The Sunday Currently || 059


I’m tired 🥺. I need to do a lot of stuff. I feel so useless. I think I’m spreading myself too thin at this point. I just want to clear my head.

The Sunday Currently || 043


I missed 2 Sundays…on purpose. I feel there is nothing to talk about. Joseph asked me to sleep early but I don’t feel like it. I’ll just dry my hair, do some massage and update the blog.

My daughter is now 3 months old! Totoo nga na days are slow, years are fast.

OAWSP: Halloween

I hope you all enjoyed your sweet treats. Enjoy the Halloween lovely people!
I wasn\’t ready with my make-up and costume but, I\’m eager for the candy haul. 
Have a good night!

Missy Busy



I\’m busy with work nowadays. I\’ll try my best to update the blog using my iPad. I recently started using this as a compact alternative for a PC desktop while away from home. I\’m still taking photos but not as much. I\’m still on the \”thinking\” phase of my art/craft blog. I\’m hoping that I could start it soon.
I find myself again at a phase that I-want-to-start-something-new-but-I-need-money-to-get-it-over-with. Then I start work and I find myself tired and exhausted. My motivation slowly goes down the drain. Nevertheless, I will persist to reach my goals, I\’m not going to let exhaustion stop me. 
Continue planning and execute once ready!
Keeping my hopes high…

OAWSP: Chin Up!

I was teased to death by my brother and sisters for my long chin. Tsk…tsk…
On the bright side (medical and aesthetically speaking), I don\’t need any injection or surgical interventions to elongate my face. Well, I don\’t need to because I\’m not artista or a model. Same thing with my lips! I am forever thankful to Angelina Jolie bringing the sexy back for pouty lips.
It took a lot of self-affirmation to accept what I have and be the best that I am.
Accept yourself. You will realize there\’s more to life than peer pressure, comparisons and hate.
Good Night!


OAWSP: Mirror Shot

I love the classic Mirror Shot when taking self-portraits. I don\’t know how I was able to get a hang of it. I like it better than a typical selfie. I\’m not saying that I never did a selfie (you will know that if we were connected/friends in Multiply, Friendster or we were roommates during college). I just grew out of it.
So for now, I\’m loving the mirror shot!